Moving Memory


Moving Memory

Layla Zami and Oxana Chi initiated and co-chaired Moving Memory, an international transdisciplinary symposium-festival held at Berlin's Technical University (October 20th – 22nd, 2016).

For the first time in Berlin, academic, artistic and activist personalities with Jewish, black (Afro-American, Afro-European, Afro-Caribbean), white, Roma, and Muslim backgrounds were gathered to explore the words, images, and movements of cultural memory in relation to historical trauma and contemporary empowerment.

The event was organized at Berlin Technical University in the realm of Berlin 2050 – City of Future (Stadt der Zukunft).
In cooperation with: AlleFrauen* Referat (AllWomen* Department) and Studentenwerk Berlin Kulturbüro.
Sponsored by: Amadeu-Antonio-Stiftung, Humboldt-University, Freie Universität, Technical University, Potsdam University, Institut Français.


Inspired by the success of Moving Memory, Layla and Oxana curated a small version of it in New York in 2018. The event "Moving Archives" was held at the City University of New York's Graduate Center in the Martin E. Segal Theatre, in cooperation with The Center for the Humanities and Columbia University's IRWGS.


Conference Programs:

International Symposium Festival Moving Memory @ Freiraum im Studentenwerk, Technical University – Berlin 2016

Flyer Moving Memory



Moving Archives @ CUNY, The Center for the Humanities, Martin E. Segal Theatre – New York 2018

Flyer Moving Archives 2018

 More Info


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